Workshop "Archival Research in the Digital Age", Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 30 novembre 2017

  • Archival Research in the Digital Age

Workshop organized by the research group LCADA (Literary and Cultural Archives in the Digital Age)*

At the Dragvoll University Library course room, 6575 (Building 6B, level 5)
3 November 2017, 09.15-11.45 and 13.00-15.15

09.15  Introduction (Paul Goring, LCADA group leader)

09.30  Béla Kapossy (Université de Lausanne), Digital solutions for challenges in the Humanities

10.45  Ellen Rees (Universitetet i Oslo), Examples from the “Digital Bookshelf” Corpus

13.00  Matthew Grenby (Newcastle University), Digitising Proto-Democracy: Taking eighteenth- century electoral culture from the archive to the internet

14.10  Anders Skare Malvik (NTNU/LCADA), The Medial Breakthrough in Norwegian Literature – 1855-1905 (project presentation)


* LCADA is a meeting point for scholars of literature and cultural history whose research incorporates a significant proportion of archive-based work. It brings together scholars who have diverse fields of interest but who are confronted with similar methodological and theoretical challenges with regard to the mining of archives as a foundation for their research.
Digital archives have long been facilitating many types of research; they have simplified numerous types of investigation. But the rise of digital archives has not simplified the broad activity of archival research or what can be called the science of the archive. There remain swathes of undigitized archives, and digital archives themselves have a history which needs to be considered by current researchers, who, unlike their pre-digital forebears, must now develop the skills to work effectively within traditional/physical archives, early digital archives, as well as the most recently developed digital archives.

LCADA is conceived as a forum which will enable scholars of literature and cultural history to share experiences and knowledge of archive-based research. It fosters collaboration at the methodological and theoretical level among scholars whose areas of research are distinct in terms of national focus (Scandinavian, American, British, French, transnational), historical period, and object of investigation (literary history, periodical publication, poetry, political history, newspapers, theatre history).

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Actualité publiée le 30.10.2017