Workshop "Jean Barbeyrac", UNIL, 4-5 juillet 2024

  • Portrait gravé de Jean Barbeyrac, détail, 1799.

Jean Barbeyrac

Workshop international, UNIL, 4-5 juillet 2024

Lieu: Université de Lausanne, bâtiment “Anthropole”, salle 5021
Accès : station (M1) “UNIL-Chamberonne”:
Organisation: Béla Kapossy, Simone Zurbuchen

Jeudi 4 juillet

Session 1: Life and Work, Networks and Correspondence
Chair: Simone Zurbuchen

09h00 – 09h15    Welcome
09h15 – 10h00    Béla Kapossy (University of Lausanne): Barbeyrac and the Swiss Enlightenment
10h00 – 10h45   Ann Thomson (European University Institute): Barbeyrac as part of Des Maizeaux’s intellectual and publishing network
11h15 – 12h00  Kristoffer Schmidt (Copenhagen): Barbeyrac’s Library

Session 2: Natural Law and the Law of Nations
Chair: Mads Langballe Jensen

12h00 – 12h45   Knud Haakonssen (University of Copenhagen/University of St. Andrews): The core of Barbeyrac’s criticism of Pufendorf

            - Lunch break -

14h15 – 15h00   Edward Jones Corredera (University of Cambridge): Barbeyrac’s vision of debt: between political economy and the law of nations
15h00 – 15h45    Gabriella Silvestrini (Università del Piemonte orientale): Barbeyrac and Rousseau
16h00 – 16h45    Frank Grunert (IZEA, Halle): “Not just working”. Games as a social model in Barbeyrac’s Traité du jeu

Vendredi 5 juillet

Session 3: Political, Religious, and Philosophical Controversies
Chair: Béla Kapossy

09h15 – 10h00    Denis Tappy (University of Lausanne): Les théories de Barbeyrac sur le droit de résistance à l’épreuve des faits en Suisse romande / Barbeyrac’s theories of toleration in the Suisse romande context
10h00 – 10h45    Fiammetta Palladini (Berlin): Jean Barbeyrac et ses adversaires orthodoxes à Berlin / Jean Barbeyrac and his orthodox opponents in Berlin
11h15 – 12h00     Simone Zurbuchen (University of Lausanne): Moral obligation: from Barbeyrac to Burlamaqui
12h00 – 12h45    Radek Szymanski (University of Lausanne): Moral obligation: Vattel’s critique of Barbeyrac


Participation: the workshop is open for anyone interested. For practical reasons please register before June 15, 2024:

For further information, please contact or


Actualité publiée le 23.05.2024