REF DT- Journal Article TI- Birth of an idea: the founding of the International Committee of the Red Cross and of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. From Solferino to the original Geneva Convention (1859-1864) AU- Bugnion, François BT- PU- International Review of the Red Cross TIS- ICRC: 150 Years of Humanitarian Action TXS- AB- TD- SE- NO- VO- 94 NV- None EN- LI- Cambridge ET- Cambridge University Press DA- 2012-01-01 YE- 2012 PA- 1299-1338 TC- IS- AB- KE- Philosophie; Société; Philanthropie/charité; Assistance/hôpital/charité; Dufour, Guillaume-Henri UR- AC- DB- lumieres.VD LG- Anglais END