REF DT- Journal Article TI- "Aristide, ou Le Citoyen": Reflections of Culture and Society in the Pays de Vaud in the 1760s AU- Johnson-Cousin, Danielle BT- PU- Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture TIS- TXS- AB- TD- SE- NO- VO- None NV- None EN- LI- ET- DA- 1988-01-01 YE- 1988 PA- 375-388 TC- IS- AB- KE- Littérature; Philosophie; Société; Imprimé - Presse périodique; Morale/moeurs; Société savante/cercle/salon; Wurtemberg, Louis-Eugène, prince de UR- AC- DB- lumieres.VD LG- Français END